Our mission is to improve the health and well-being of people at risk or affected by kidney disease through education, prevention and support by increasing organ donation and transplantation.
We are on a mission to save lives through early detection, education and patient support
Texas Kidney Foundation (TKF) is dedicated to the early detection of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Because we know the difficulties that go along with CKD, we use a proactive approach to address the disease. We believe early detection, education, and support will help Texans maintain their quality of life. TKF began because there was a need for patient services in the San Antonio and Rio Grande Valley regions because the local chapter of the nation’s largest kidney foundation closed its doors and left the area. Unfortunately, they didn’t take kidney disease with them.
Luckily a tenacious transplant physician, Francis Wright, MD decided to create a foundation that would stand strong to serve our community, Texas Kidney Foundation (TKF). He gathered together a board of civic-minded people with a connection to renal disease. TKF has continued in that tradition.
In 2017 under new leadership TKF began to emerge as a state and national leader within the Kidney space. TKF embarked on the first leg of a statewide campaign called the Kidney C.A.R.E. (Clinician and Adult Renal Education) Campaign. The campaign addresses the lack of knowledge about CKD because the disease is overwhelming families all over Texas. According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 out of 3 adults with diabetes have CKD. Every day in the U.S. 130 diabetics begin treatment for kidney failure. TKF is the voice leading the charge to stop the CKD pandemic.
January 8, 2020, The State of Texas reestablished the previously abolished Texas Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force.
Our mission is to improve the health and well-being of people at risk or affected by kidney disease through education, prevention and support by increasing organ donation and transplantation.